Thursday, 1 November 2018

Crossfit anyone and everyone?

In August 2016, after 2 years of suffering with constant pain from a torn calf muscle that hadn't healed properly, a friend recommended an Integrative Medicine Specialist who used a laser to repair and heal. Worth a shot I said and off I went hoping to be pain free and running again soon.  Doc made me complete a comprehensive lifestyle questionnaire and then, got real. He said, straight faced, you're not here for your calf muscle are you?  My face clearly gave it away…as I had no idea how bad the situation really was. You're 40 he said, you've got two young boys he confirmed.  What are you going to be most sad about, dying before you're 50 or missing these boys getting married?  Sledgehammer!  Again, my reaction prompted him to continue. Jason, if you keep going the way you are, you're on a fast track to a painful and early death. You're 'untall' for your weight he joked. This comment, his sartorial elegance, belay the shocking truth, I was unwell, my calf was just a niggle compared to what was actually going on.

I weighed 87kg measuring 1.65m (if that doesn't immediately make sense, it means I was very overweight!)  Blood pressure - too high. Cholesterol - too high. Blood sugars - too high. Waist circumference - too high. I had to do something, and quickly. But what, I've dieted before, I've cut out sugar, I've gone to the gym, I've started jogging however nothing proved to be a long term solution nor an immediate panacea.

When I told Sarah, she actually took the news better than I expected.  In fact, she told me she loved me and hadn't really thought about how overweight and out of shape I was. Somewhere, somehow, I veered off track. Having young kids, being terribly unhappy in my job and neglecting my health and fitness has snuck up on me as had the ease of falling into a sedentary lifestyle of weekend braai's with many beers and lots of carbs.Image may contain: 3 people, including Jason Rade and Sarah Rade, people smiling, ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

Crossfit she suggested. What? Why? Are you mad, do you know what that is? Do you know that cross fitters are nuts!   I was desperate though, so, I looked into it.  The truth was, I had everything to lose unless I did something different.

I looked up two Boxes (yes, even the terminology is different) One Crossfit box was a well known, centrally located and quite expensive gym.  The response was friendly and professional and the relevant paperwork was sent through along with the invitation of a free trail class.

The second box, one I'd not heard of, seemed much smaller, only 1 coach at the time yet, almost immediately, I felt a sense of belonging. The coach messaged me beyond my initial email enquiry.  Come see for yourself he said, no preconceived ideas, no expectations, just come check it out. I reiterated how out of shape I was. That's the point he replied, that's why we are here, to work with you to get fit and healthy because we all have to start somewhere.  It was clear from the outset, he wasn't simply trying to recruit a new paying member. This guy was sincere and authentic, he wanted to help me help myself with a tried and trusted programme and methodology, an approach that really works.
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So, next thing, I was at a crossfit class. Unsure, nervous, and to be quite honest, thought I'd made a bad decision.  But, I was hooked. I knew there and then, immediately, that while this was going to be the hardest challenge I had encountered to date, it was going to prove the most rewarding too.  Fast forward two years, almost to the day and the numbers speak for themselves. Weight loss, 13kg, waist 92cm down to 78cm, cholesterol, sugars and blood pressure all within the safe zone.

Beyond the numbers, I feel amazing. I have my self confidence back, I have a new wardrobe, I am stronger, fitter and healthier than every before. I feel motivated and inspired on a daily basis to get up when it's dark and cold to get to a class.  My boys look at their dad and admire the muscles and love the fact that I can run around with them, pick them both up at the same time and most of all, my lifestyle has become a part of their lives as every day Daddy is running or at gym. I am setting a great example for my kids by including health and fitness as part of my daily routine.  I could never have done this without the encouragement of my wife. That initial idea to the daily support has made the world of difference as it's a time and energy commitment and one's partner often has to pick up some of the slack, which my amazing Sarah has done, 5 to 6 days a week for 2 years! 

But what prompted me to write this blog dear reader?  There are success stories and failed diet diatribes littering the inter web, why read mine (thank you for making it this far)
Well, the reason is, this week, Coach sent me a message, from an advertising agency, looking for crossfit athletes aged 30 to 40 for a car advert. Why not I thought? While I'm 43 and in good shape, I'm certainly not your poster boy crossfit model and I have quite a few gray hairs.  I was called for a casting!  
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Coach joined me at the casting, he's younger than me and well, let's not kid, if I could order a physique online I wouldn't return his to sender!
What resonated with me was the message he sent me after I thanked him for all his encouragement, support and told him how being part of his crossfit box had improved my life:

'Would you have ever imagined doing something like that (the casting), that's definitely something you can tick off your bucket list. If I told you two years ago you are going to go for a casting and you'll take your shirt off for the camera you would have laughed at me'. He continued by saying 'Thanks for being awesome and amazing and trusting us with your life and sticking to the process… you did all the hard work…we just held your hand… you are the reason I love what I do'

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My dear reader, when you don't realize the dusk approaching or when times seem dark already, listen to your cheerleaders, those who love you, and trust them, for they only want the best for you.  More so, allow yourself to experience something new, go beyond your comfort zone especially when you have a reason, a why, such as your health, your family and your future.

Lastly, trust your instinct. It's a tough old world, life is pretty hectic, fast paced and competitive but there are still wonderful souls who genuinely care for you and who are motivated and passionate about your success and wellbeing.  I feel the benefits of investing time and hard work (incredible effort!) into this journey and I feel like I am making real measurable progress. I have established significant momentum which permeates other aspects of my life.   I'm going to continue, pushing myself, challenging what I thought was too difficult and moving forward.

I'm excited about dancing at my son's weddings, holding my grandchildren and living a long, vital and significant life with Sarah. Thanks to everyone for believing in me, for pushing me to pick up that bar with seconds to spare, to do one more rep and to live. 

@crossfitimpi @newbsdad @coach_t.c @coach_spencer7 @newbsmum
#crossfitimpi #impiwarrior #rondebosch #fitdad #functionalfitness #wellness